SHIFT join journey of continued sustainability commitment - LHP

Posted 5 October 2022

SHIFT join journey of continued sustainability commitment

We have employed the services of SHIFT to help us on our sustainability journey.

SHIFT is an environmental specialist with expertise in the fields of flooding, carbon emissions and green space.

After the launch of our ESG Strategy, we committed to a more sustainable delivery of our services.

The first steps on this important journey are to obtain a Carbon Baseline and Net Zero Roadmap, which will give us a clear indication of our current environmental position and the steps we need to make to achieve the Net Zero goal.

Richard Lupo, Managing Director at SHIFT spoke about the company’s background.

He said: “We began working on environmental projects with Housing Associations in 2008 and have been commissioned by the National Housing Federation (NHF) as their supplier of choice, due to their knowledge of the sector.

“SHIFT’s initial work with Housing Associations includes developing Carbon Baselines and Net Zero Roadmaps. This is done in conjunction with our team of professionals, all of whom are or are working towards full chartered Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) status.”

Richard is also excited for how our employees and customers can get involved in this ongoing work.

“LHP staff and customers will eventually make a massive contribution to reducing carbon emissions,” he said.

“Our work with you will also have a hugely positive impact on your services. We will help LHP make decisions that reduce flood risk, water stress and reliance on fossil fuels.

“In turn, this will reduce bills and provide better financial security. With this comes less maintenance in homes, which will make LHP an easier organisation to manage moving forward.”

Improved wellbeing and morale for employees

And Richard expressed how feedback from other organisations showed that those involved closely in projects at other organisations, spoke of improved wellbeing and morale.

He added: “There is a feel-good factor associated with having a vested interest in improving the environment.

“By demonstrating these positive environmental aims, this can improve staff recruitment and retention, especially as staff have a more vested interest in projects.

“Everyone can do their bit and through metrics and measures we can demonstrate our achievements.”

To find out more about SHIFT’s work, please visit:
