Planned Maintenance
LHP are developing a 5 year investment plan which is reviewed annually and covers a wide range of planned investment works across all of our properties. Examples of work that is included in the investment plan are replacement kitchen and bathrooms, double glazing, central heating, replacement roof coverings, external entrance doors, external wall insulation. The investment plan is based on the information that we hold on our properties from our annual stock condition surveys and in line with the LHP standard which looks to replace key and other building components based on their age and condition.

The LHP Standard
For example the LHP Standard looks to replace kitchens every 20 years, bathrooms every 25 years, central heating systems every 15 years and windows every 30 years in houses.
Each year LHP will write and contact tenants/leaseholders who are included in the programme well in advance of any works being planned. We will explain what works we are planning to carry out, introduce the contractor who will be undertaking the works and let you know if we will need any other surveys carrying out before the works can be planned, such as an asbestos survey for example.
When we write we will advise of the type of works planned and also include a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet/s that will provide details around the planned works, how they will be carried out, what will and won’t be included and a range of other commonly asked questions. As the type of works will vary from a kitchen or a roof or a combination of works then information will be slightly different depending on the works planned and this will reflected in the information that we send to you. Before any works are carried out our contractor/s will carry out a survey where choices and design works will be needed, for example, if you’re having a kitchen we will design the kitchen with your needs in mind and ask you to choose colours and style kitchen unit doors and worktop, flooring for example.
Once all designs and surveys are completed then the contractor will write to you and confirm the planned start and finish dates and also arrange to meet with you to carry out an induction process. The induction process will go through in detail the works planned and go into detail about how long it will take, any disruption you can expect, contact details and key people who will work with you if you have any issues or concerns. It will also be your chance to ensure that any concerns or questions, help and support you and your family might need can be discussed and resolved before any works start.
LHP staff will carry out work in progress inspections and a final inspection once completed and will be available if needed for any concerns or queries that the contractor staff cannot resolve. Once all works are completed LHP will ask you take part in a customer satisfaction survey asking for your feedback on your experience and we will use this to improve our services to ensure we offer the best experience possible.
Cyclical Maintenance
LHP carry out regular cyclical maintenance to our properties such as external painting. We currently have a 6 year painting programme for external painting. This includes the washing and cleaning of any plastic surfaces such as double glazed window frames and uPVC or composite entrance doors, uPVC soffit and fascia’s.
In addition we also include the redecoration of existing painted surfaces. These will be repaired and painted and include items such as example timber doors, timber soffits and fascia’s, timber window frames, painted render and masonry.
Asset Management
Stock Condition Surveys
LHP carry out survey to our properties every 5 years, (20% every year) to ensure that we have accurate data recorded. This includes all parts of our properties such as roofs, windows, heating systems, kitchens and bathrooms etc. and it makes an assessment of the age and condition of each element. This enables LHP to accurately develop its investment plan for the stock to ensure that it is kept up to the LHP standard. It is important that when contacted for access to carry out a stock condition survey that you allow out surveyors access to the property as this information is essential to our investment planning process.
Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS)
At the same time as the stock condition survey we will also carry out a “HHSRS” or a Housing Health and Safety Rating Survey” this will ensure that we don’t have any serious health and safety issues in our properties. Should we find any Health and Safety concerns then these are recorded and LHP will take the necessary steps to immediately resolve.
LHP will also carry out what is commonly called a “SAP survey”. This survey enables LHP to assess the energy performance of our properties and identify where we can improve energy performance and include in our investment planning. Each property will receive a score from 0-100 and are also in banded in a range with a letter and the higher the score (100 – Band A) the more energy efficient the property is. Our minimum target for all our properties is a score of 69 (Band C). The average across all our stock is just above 73 (Band C).