Racial harassment

We will not tolerate any form of racial harassment by or against our tenants and we are committed to working with partners to take effective action against the perpetrators of racial harassment or racist incidents.

Racial harassment is a hate crime and we are committed to:

  • Eliminating unlawful discrimination and harassment
  • Promoting good relations between people of different racial groups
  • Maximising the number of incidents reported to it
  • Supporting complainants, their families and witnesses
  • Taking effective action against perpetrators.

We have adopted the definition of a racist incident recommended by the MacPherson report:

“A racist incident is any incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be racist.”

The current tenancy agreement includes a clause covering racial harassment which means that anyone carrying out racial harassment will be in breach of their tenancy conditions, thereby making it easier for us to take effective action when the perpetrator is identified.

If you need to report racial harassment to us, please click the button below to register or login to our customer portal/smartphone app.

Report it