Keep Well Keep Warm
Brrrr…cold weather can affect your health. Being prepared, keeping your home warm and protecting yourself during the winter months is important. Stock up, stay in, keep warm and keep well.
Tips for keeping warm this winter:
- It is important to keep warm in winter, so heat your home to at least 18°C (65°F), if you can, you might prefer your living room to be slightly warmer
- Wear several thin layers rather than one thick layer.
- Draw your curtains as soon as it gets dark to stop the heat escaping and the draughts coming in.
- Make sure you have regular hot meals that contain carbs, such as potatoes, pasta, bread and rice.
- If you’re sitting down, a shawl or blanket will provide extra warmth.
Protect your health
There are a number of things you can do to prepare against the cold weather:
- At the first sign of a cough or cold, get immediate advice from your pharmacist before it gets more serious
- Speak to your pharmacist about medicines you should have in stock over winter
- Pick up prescription medications before the Christmas holidays start as many GPs and pharmacies will close over the holidays
- Make sure you get your flu jab
- If you need help over the holiday period when your GP surgery or pharmacy is closed call NHS 111 or visit www.nhs.uk
Be prepared
A list of items you should start stocking up on before the bad weather is here:
- Coffee/ tea
- Frozen meals
- Sugar
- Toilet rolls
- Milk (dried or long-life)
- Pet food
- Bread (can be frozen)
- Torch/ batteries
- Butter/ margarine
- Bottled water
- Tins of soup, veg and fruit
- Light bulbs
Make sure essential medication and prescriptions are filled.
Check on your neighbours
By spending ten minutes visiting an elderly neighbour, you really could make a difference to their safety during the winter months.
Make sure they:
- Are warm enough, especially at night
- Have stocks of food and medicines so they don’t have to go out during very cold weather
- Are safe and well.
Just a few simple checks could keep them safe from fire.
- Offer to check your neighbour’s smoke alarm is working. Press the button and make sure the alarm sounds, it could save their life.
- If your neighbour smokes remind them to never smoke in bed, never smoke when tired and always make sure cigarettes are fully extinguished in a suitable ash tray.
- Remind your neighbour never to leave cooking unattended and make sure the cooker is turned off when they leave the house or go to bed.
- If your neighbour has an open fire make sure they have a fire guard. If they use a portable heater remind them not to sit too close as fabric can catch fire. Also remind them not to leave it on overnight.
The NHS provide advice to help you and your family prepare for winter. Visit the NHS website for more information.
Age UK are running a new project for members of our community age 50+ who may be interested in a free home energy check.
Support is available through home visits or via telephone in Lincoln and South Lincolnshire.
Age UK will be providing;
- Advice on how to reduce your energy usage & bills
- Fit FREE energy saving devices such as draught excluders, timers and LED light bulbs.
- Priority Service Registration
- Maximise your income through benefit and grant checks
- Provide energy saving tips, information & signposting
You can find out more information by downloading this document.