Rechargeable Repairs
It is your responsibility to put right any damage you, a member of your household or visitor has caused to your home, whether it has been caused by accident or on purpose. If the repair does not fall into the ‘emergency repair’ category or affect the structure of the property you have the option to carry out this work yourself if you are suitably qualified or hire a skilled professional to complete it for you. This work will be inspected and must reach the our standard. You must pay all costs.
If we carry out a repair to your home that is not due to fair wear and tear, we will charge you for the cost of the repair. This includes repairs that are caused by abuse, misuse, damage or neglect whether accidental or on purpose.
We will tell you the cost of any rechargeable repairs when you report it to us.
We will still carry out other repairs and maintenance that are our responsibility, free of charge.
When you leave the property, we expect you to return it to us in a good condition that meets our lettings standard. You will be recharged for any work that is needed after you move out of the home. This includes gaining access (if you fail to return the keys to us), overgrown gardens that block access, internal and external graffiti, rubbish removal, damaged fixtures, fittings and finishes, alterations, drainage clearances and the reinstating of gas or electrical supplies where it is the result of unpaid bills.
Criminal damage
If the repair is a result of criminal damage and you provide us with a police crime number we will not charge for the repair.
Why do we do this?
We are a Community Benefit Society. Any profit we make is invested back into the organisation. If we continue to pay for repairs that are not our responsibility we won’t be able to use the money to improve your homes and communities.
You will be charged for any repairs that are caused by abuse, misuse, willful damage or neglect. So, if a repair is not due to fair wear and tear, we may repair it but charge you for the cost of the repair. This includes replacing glass, lock changes, unblocking sinks and drains blocked due to neglect, rubbish removal and holes in walls, doors, handles of cupboards and toilets you’ve willfully damaged.
* The water authority is responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the main sewer system. If you think the main sewer is blocked please contact Anglian Water.
As a tenant, you are required to take reasonable care of your home and report any repairs or faults to us straightaway.
You are responsible for:
- Decoration inside your home
- Replacing light bulbs or fluorescent tubes and starter motors
- Carpets and floor coverings, unless they were provided by us
- Fixtures and items you have put in yourself
- Electrical fuses
- Replacing plugs, chains and toilet seats
- Replacing doorbells
- Timber shed, greenhouses or any other item accepted at the start of your tenancy
- Trees in your garden
- Taking reasonable steps to protect the premises from any damage such as fire, flood, frozen pipes, blocked drains or condensation.
- The removal of pests including mice, rats, fleas, wasps or ants unless they are in a communal area or coming from an empty property that belongs to us.
You will be charged for any repairs that are your responsibility and caused by abuse, misuse, willful damage or neglect. So, if a repair is not due to fair wear and tear, we will repair it but charge you for the cost of the repair.
If you are leaseholder or homeowner, you are responsible for your own repairs but we are responsible for shared communal areas.