New satisfaction surveys for customers - Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Posted 24 March 2022

New satisfaction surveys for customers

As part of our commitment to put the Customer First, our customers may notice something a little different when they telephone our offices.

We’re asking them to take part in a short survey so that we can Listen, Act and Learn on their feedback. The questions are:

  • Were you happy with the way your call was handled by the Customer Service Advisor today?
  • Were we easy to deal with today?
  • Were you happy with the outcome of your call today?

This short survey will allow us to gauge satisfaction anonymously, which we can analyse against data provided by HouseMark.

HouseMark is the UK’s leading data and insight company for the Housing sector. Collecting data on customer satisfaction gives us the opportunity to benchmark our performance against the rest of the sector, as well as improve our services to our customers.
