National Careers Week | Alex's career development - Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Posted 6 March 2024

National Careers Week | Alex’s career development

Alex Baker (pictured left) has been a part of our IT Team since 2019, and recently moved into the position of Cyber Security Analyst. Here he tells us about his development at LHP, as well as his hopes for the future.

What drove you to apply for your current role?

I had been interested in Cyber Security for some time, and with this role coming up, it seemed ideal to investigate specialising from my old role.

What support did you get from your manager, team, and other colleagues?

My manager at the time was supportive of all her team that applied for the role and mentioned that she hopes we “all go for it” and did our best, I was fortunate enough to get the role.

My team were all supportive too, once I got the new role we still worked well together, and even continued teaching each other new things. Many colleagues congratulated me on the new role and have found themselves asking Cyber Security related questions instead of general IT ones, which is great for my own learning and development.

What opportunities at LHP do you get to develop yourself?

LHP provides IT with the specialist training tools to best support us. I’ve been using PluralSight to follow the CompTIA and Microsoft training suites for Cyber Security.

What would you say to anyone looking at progressing their career at LHP?

To go for it! Give the interview your all and look at the new role with an open mind, ready to learn new things. Our training team are fantastic and fully supportive of people wanting to try something new. You’ll never know if you don’t go for it!

Where do you see yourself in 3 years’ time?

I hope still in Cyber Security. It’s a brilliant field to be in, with new problems to face and challenges to solve all the time. Beyond that, I’m not sure, we’ll see what the future brings!

Keep a look out for other blogs and videos from around LHP as National Careers Week continues.
