Money Support Monthly October: Autumn Is Here - Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Posted 7 November 2023

Money Support Monthly October: Autumn Is Here

Autumn is here, and with it brings colder weather, darker nights, and a rapidly approaching Christmas. We’re sharing some money saving tips and updates on our Money Support Team.

Customer Satisfaction

Customers who use the Money Support Service report great satisfaction afterwards. Here’s a sample of some of the feedback our customers have given:

Q1) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the ease of accessing the money support service? – 95.5% satisfaction

Q2) Do you feel the advice given to you was relevant to your situation? – 94.7% agreed

Q3) To what extent has the money support given to you helped you and your situation? 85.3% agreed

Q4) How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that the information given to you, was clear and easy to understand? – 96.7% satisfaction

Q5) If you did receive support from the LHP Hardship Fund what difference has it made to you and your household? – 100% helped


This year so far, we’ve seen 1045 referrals to the Money Support Service, broken down into:

  • Fuel – 57 (6%)
  • Food – 107 (10%)
  • Debt/Arrears – 243 (23%)
  • Benefits/General Advice – 638 (61%)

This led to 905 customers supported so far this year (closed cases).

We’ve secured £306k additional income for customers so far this year, of which 25%/£78k was paid onto rent accounts to sustain tenancies.

We are currently supporting approx. 356 customers.

LHP Hardship Fund

  • 99 customers supported
  • 89% of applications accepted
  • Total £21,815 vouchers provided
  • Half the applicants are single customers and a third single parents making up 87% of all applications

Expert Tips & Tricks: Tech4Families

Have you heard about Tech4Families?

Tech4Families is a scheme that aims to provide laptops to lkids who need them most. They’re focusing on several areas across the country, with Lincolnshire being one of them. They understand just how vital it is for children growing up to have access to digital equipment, and together with Currys, can help source laptops.

Check out their website for more details.


Money Saving Tip of the Month: Kids Eat for £1

Both Sainsburys Cafe and Asda Cafe offer kids meals for just £1 when an adult buys a meal.


Meet the Money Support Service: Laura Taylor

Each month, we’re shining a spotlight on some of the members of the Money Support Service and the amazing work they do. This month, we’re meeting Laura Taylor, Money Support Advisor.

Q: Hi Laura! So, tell us, what inspired you to become a Money Support Advisor?

A: I have always enjoyed learning about the benefits system from very early on in my career. My career of looking into the benefit system started 8 years ago after I approached my MP for help after I was experiencing difficulties with Student Finance. I then started volunteering which then led to employment. I have now evolved into a money support advisor in which dealing with benefits and other grants is part of my daily life.

Q: Tell us about a memorable moment from your time as a Money Support Advisor. Was there a particular case that really stood out to you?

A: There has been several memorable moments which being a money support advisor at LHP. One of my key moments was a referral from the Council for a gentlemen who couldn’t afford gas. I attended the property to then learn he had only had gas roughly 3 times in 2 years because of issues with his meter. We called British Gas who came to the property within 2 hours to fix the meter. I then asked for the £400 (the help with gas and electric that all households got) to be put on his meter as he had missed out on this. The gentlemen was extremely grateful as he has been trying to get this sorted for years and is now able to heat his home and use his oven.

Q: What’s the most rewarding aspect of your role at the Money Support Service?

A: I would say the best part of this job for me, is when you have worked with a client for a while, managed to work with them to maximise income and gain essential white goods and then close the case knowing you have made a big difference to their wellbeing.

Q: How would you describe a typical day at work? What are some of the challenges you face, and how do you overcome them?

A: The main difficulty I would say I experience is with the benefit system itself. For example a typical PIP decision can take up to 6 months to come through or Housing Benefit can take 4 months to be put In payment. I have found that these long gaps in decisions/payments can cause a client a lot of anxiety which means I have to give a lot of reassurance.

Q: If you were to explain to someone struggling financially about how the Money Support Service can make a difference in their life, what would you say?

A: Being a money support advisor means I am able to help a wide range of people in all different circumstances. I have phone calls with client’s who are certain they are not able to get any additional financial support into the household but then they are missing out of much needed help. When at community events I always advise client’s to have a benefit check because you just never know. Alongside maximising income, the money support team can help with other grants including white goods which is especially useful for those who have just moved in or where white goods have broken and they just can’t afford to replace the item. The MSS also help with tenancy support meaning we are able to help with a range of things to help client’s maintain tenancies.

Thanks to Laura for such an interesting insight into your life as a Money Support Advisor!
