Posted 7 July 2021

How an LHP home ‘changed our lives’, says local couple

“You came along and changed our lives”

Couple reveal how finding a new home with Lincolnshire Housing Partnership was better than ‘winning the pools’

For five years, 62-year-old Terry and his wife paid more than they could afford to live in a home that was in shocking disrepair.

They rented the house in Lincolnshire from a private landlord.

The couple say the property was riddled with rot, damp and mould, had unsafe floors and ceilings and regularly leaked in water when it rained.

The conditions were not only affecting their mental wellbeing, but their physical health too.

And on top of their four-weekly rent, they had to pay for the annual safety checks on their boiler. They often went short on food to meet payments.

“We were desperate,” said Terry.

“I felt suicidal. Then you came along, gave us a palace and changed our lives. You were kind.”

In October 2020, Terry and his wife moved into a dormer bungalow near Grimsby, owned by Lincolnshire Housing Partnership. He has nothing but praise for the new home, the support they have received and especially for Helen Bell, our Lettings Officer, who helped secure the tenancy.

“When I say it felt like winning the pools, it is an under-statement,” said Terry.

Not only are their weekly rent payments substantially lower, their home is dry, safe and warm with features to help with accessibility; repairs are carried out when they are needed; the annual boiler service is taken care of and their utility bills have more than halved.

“I cannot put into words what you have done. You change lives.

“I believe you saved mine. Moving in had an immediate effect, not just financially, but on our health.

“When we got the keys and the lady left, I sat on the stairs and cried. This is something I don’t do but I was so grateful and overwhelmed. You have no idea what lives you help. There are people out there that could be in a worse situation than we were. Keep going.”

Julie Hunt, Lettings Manager at LHP, said: “We would like to thank Terry for his kind words, especially about the support he received from Helen. We wish him and his wife many happy years in their home.

“Our homes should be somewhere we feel safe and secure. They are where we seek sanctuary, put down roots and build our lives. But as we have heard from Terry, a poor home can quickly affect our mental and physical health.

“We are just happy we were able to help.”

Find out more about renting a home from LHP.
