Posted 20 March 2024
Customer Satisfaction Surveying with Acuity
We constantly strive to put our customers first and at the heart of all we do. To do this effectively we need to understand how our services are being received, and one of the ways to get this vital feedback is through customer surveying.
We work with our partner Acuity to complete this surveying. Acuity help us to survey a wide range of our customers and report the information back to us. Using the data we can monitor our performance over time, and also compare ourselves with other similar housing providers and find ways to improve our services. If you’d like to learn more about Acuity, we’ve put together a helpful page of information all about Acuity and what they do, and check out our latest results.
If you are selected to take part in a survey, Acuity will make contact by phone on the number 01273 093939. They will ask questions relating to one of several service areas depending on whether you have directly received one of LHPs services or to obtain a general view of how we are performing.
Customers are selected at random and as a Customer First organisation the feedback received from these surveys allows us to Listen, Act and Learn and deliver even better services to you.
We are very grateful for all of the feedback we receive as it is a hugely valuable source of information to help us improve our services, but you are under no obligation to take part in the surveying. If you would like to opt out, please email us at bi@lincolnshirehp.com.