Posted 3 April 2023
ASB – understanding our approach
Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (LHP) provides a safe and secure environment for its customers. Our ASB service works tirelessly to tackle anti-social behaviour, prevent crime, and build vibrant and safe communities.
Following on from our consultation on the service earlier this year, we have taken on board customer feedback and we have reshaped the way we handle reports of anti-social behaviour. We are committed to Great Homes and Strong Communities. As part of our Neighbourhood Strategy, we are now introducing ways to handle some ASB incidents through tenancy management, enabling our ASB Team to proactively focus on the issues that are important to customers.
We recognise that anti-social behaviour can have a disruptive effect on individuals and whole communities. That is why we are committed to challenging unacceptable behaviour and ensuring that customers can enjoy their homes and surrounding areas without fear of harassment, alarm, or distress.
We provide a quick response to reports of ASB and work in partnership with other agencies, such as the police and local authority, to provide a comprehensive service. The ASB service involves a mixture of prevention, enforcement, and support for customers and the local community. This approach ensures that every individual is entitled to peaceful enjoyment of their home and the surrounding areas, regardless of the tenure of the property.
Tiered approach to resolving ASB cases
We have a tiered approach to resolving cases, considering the needs of all parties involved. Any action taken is reasonable and proportionate to the behaviour and agreed with the complainant. We will not move complainants, witnesses, or perpetrators as a means of dealing with the issues, except in cases where there is immediate danger.
We work closely with external agencies to prevent and manage ASB, recognising that successful management and prevention of ASB depends on agencies working together and freedom to exchange information. We are passionate about making a difference and building vibrant and safe communities.
We are committed to complying with the relevant legal and regulatory framework and meeting our legal obligations. Our service is governed by a comprehensive policy that sets out how LHP will respond to acts of ASB.
For information on how we deal with ASB, please follow these links.
- Dealing with anti-social behaviour
- Issues that are dealt with through tenancy management
- What we wouldn’t consider ASB
- Issues you should report directly to the police
We are proud to provide a framework in which we manage ASB within our neighbourhoods, setting out our commitment to challenge unacceptable behaviour, so that we can improve customers’ lives.