Pests - Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

Keeping Pests at Bay

Keeping your home free from common household pests is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. Pests can cause damage to your property, trigger allergies, and spread diseases. Here are some practical tips to help you prevent and control the presence of these unwelcome guests in your home:

  1. Maintain cleanliness

A clean home is less inviting to pests. Regularly vacuum and mop your floors, wipe down surfaces, and wash dishes promptly. Keep your kitchen and dining areas free of food scraps and spills, and store food in seals containers to deter pests from being attracted to it.

  1. Seal entry points

Pests often enter homes through gaps and cracks in walls, windows, and doors. Inspect the exterior of your home and seal any openings with weather-stripping or caulk. Pay particular attention to areas where pipes and wires enter your home, as these can be common entry points for rodents and insects.

  1. Manage moisture

Damp environments attract pests like silverfish. Fix any leaks and address any damp or mould problems in your home. Use an extractor fan in areas with high humidity, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

  1. Dispose of waste properly

Dispose of your rubbish in sealed bags and use bins with tightly fitting lids to prevent pests from accessing your waste. Regularly clean your bins to eliminate any residue that may attract insects or rodents.

  1. Keep the garden tidy

Keeping your garden well-maintained and clear of debris. Trim back trees and bushes near your home to create a barrier between your property and potential nesting sites for pests. Avoid having dense vegetation close to your home, as this can provide hiding spots!

  1. Use natural remedies

There are many natural remedies you can use to deter pests from your home. For example, peppermint oil can be an effective deterrent for ants, spiders, and mice, while lavender oil can keep moths at bay.

  1. Monitor for signs

Regularly check your home for signs of pest activity, such as droppings, damaged wood, or unusual smells. If you notice any signs of infestation, take action quickly to prevent the problem from escalating.

  1. Reach out for help

If you’re struggling with a persistent pest problem or have identified a large infestation, reach out for help – we can provide advice and provide support to help resolve the problem.

By following these tips, you can create a pest-free environment for you and your family, ensuring a healthy and comfortable living space.